As a life sciences company, understanding the key risk indicators when engaging with HCP/Os and monitoring your speaking engagements and associated data is critical. Without a comprehensive monitoring and analytics strategy, your organization is missing valuable insights and potentially opening itself to major enforcement risk.
Listen as Seton Hall University School of Law’s Jacob Elberg and MediSpend’s Tim Robinson and Neeraj Singhal discuss recent enforcement actions, how those enforcements may impact future engagements, what key risk indicators companies should be watching closely and how to build a forward-looking monitoring/analytics tool.
About MediSpend
MediSpend is a global technology company providing best-in-class solutions that enable life science companies to compliantly manage high-risk business functions through top-rated software and client services. MediSpend is the compliance system of record for some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical, medical device, dental and emerging biotech companies around the world. The MediSpend Global Compliance Suite represents the industry’s first global SaaS solution purpose-built to manage the end-to-end process of HCP engagement through transparency reporting, which includes software that facilitates external grant requests. MediSpend is headquartered in Portsmouth, N.H., with offices in Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania and the Netherlands.